Generation Wellness:

Announcements, Resources, and Spotlights

[STAFF SPOTLIGHT] Bridget Schroedel, Assistant Principal interventions spotlight staff wellness room

Generation Wellness Spotlight: Bridget Schroedel believes that discipline means to teach, not to shame. She is an innovative administrator bringing simple tools and interventions to her school and community that are creating massive impact. One example: After attending the Generation...

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[STAFF SPOTLIGHT] How to Create School-Wide Morning Meetings with Anne Malver elementary mindfulness morning meeting spotlight staff

Morning Meetings are a great way to kick off the school day with success... building community, setting intentions, and preparing the brain for learning.

In this episode of the Generation Wellness Spotlight, you will:

- Understand "the why" of Morning Meetings.

- Hear how this school in Eatonville,...

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[STAFF SPOTLIGHT] Mt. Stuart Elementary Staff Wellness spotlight staff wellness wednesday

Teachers are asking for tools for the kids and themselves in their classrooms to get deeper with the kids, to create a community in their classrooms. 

This training provided us with just fun ideas to get kids motivated, to get them calm,  so being able to monitor kind of their level and...

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[STAFF SPOTLIGHT] From Service Project to CNN: Simple Steps that Create Massive Impact elementary secondary service project spotlight staff

Service projects are a great way to build community, empower students to dream big, and help others.

In this episode of the Generation Wellness Spotlight, you will:

- Find out why two WA state educators decided to create this service project and the ripple effect it created.

- Hear how a...

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[STAFF SPOTLIGHT] Teaching Happiness with Kris Connors happiness happiness habits spotlight staff

Wellness Warrior Spotlight

Name: Kris Connors
Occupation: K-5 School Counselor

How have you been teaching the happiness habits in your setting?
I have been teaching happiness habits to individual students and small groups in my office and extending this to classroom lessons so that teachers can...

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[Video] We are the Generation of Wellness communities staff students testimonial


Mission: Equipping students and staff with the tools to thrive in school and life. We believe in building strong hearts, minds and bodies.

Vision: Every school in America will educate the whole child by 2023.

How: Trainings, app + online courses that provide proven techniques that...

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[STAFF SPOTLIGHT] Teaching Mindfulness with Mallory Neuman mindfulness secondary self-regulation spotlight staff

Wellness Warrior Spotlight

Name: Mallory Neuman
Occupation: High School Counselor

What skills have you focused on teaching this year?
Self-regulation and stress relief through guided relaxations and breathing exercises.

Working in a high school is busy and it seems there's a never ending to do list...

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[STAFF SPOTLIGHT] How to Create a Culture of Setting Intention in High School with Anne Malver connection intention secondary spotlight staff

The quote by Brendan Burchard summarizes intentions beautifully: "First it’s an intention, then a behavior, then a habit, then a second nature, and then it’s simply just who you are." Setting intentions is really the seed of how we behave.

Why Setting Intention is Important?

  • Setting...
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[STAFF SPOTLIGHT] How to Infuse Self-Regulation into Every Classroom with Sabrina Castro regulation stations self-regulation spotlight staff

Does this quote strike a nerve? 

"Dysregulated students will not learn." - Bruce Perry, Author + Researcher

It's true. It's neuroscience. And, over the past decade, we've learned a considerable amount about how stress and trauma affects the brain and body. Now the question becomes what are we...

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